ACE FREHLEY: '70s Guitar Pick Sold For Over $1,000

July 12, 2006

A 1975/1976-era Ace Frehley (KISS) guitar pick was sold to a KISS fan for a whopping $1,026 via eBay. The seller, who calls himself "headpowers", wrote the following on the auction page:

"I hate to part with this, but it is time. Ace's sister lived four blocks away from me when I was 12 years old. My friend told me she lived there, so I stopped by one day. She answered the door with her little boy, and I asked, 'Are you Ace Frehley's sister?' and she said 'Yes,' and her little boy said, 'Is he asking about Uncle Paul?' She then showed me a wedding picture of Ace (with his make-up off),and gave me a 8x10 glossy promo picture from a 'Love Gun' photo shoot and then held out a candy dish full of these picks. She said, 'Go ahead and take one.' I said thank you and I never went back and bothered her again. That was in 1977, so I've had this pick for that long, stored in a plastic bag in a smoke free home. Has never been used. On the 1975/76 tour, KISS used signature guitar picks for the very first timeā€¦ on the front of these picks, the name of either Ace, Paul Stanley or Gene Simmons is printed, while on the back the name of the manufacturer is printed, Pastore Music (except for Gene's picks, which didn't have Pastore on the back)."

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